Library closed on Friday, March 28th.

The library will be closed on Friday, March 28th for a staff professional development day. We will reopen on Saturday, March 29th at 9:30am. 

Tapping Into the Past: Tavern Life in Early Connecticut

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Program Description

Event Details

Taverns in early Connecticut were more than just a place to drink. Travelers and locals alike saw taverns as a place to be entertained, spread news and gossip, have a good meal, and get a night’s lodging. Learn about how taverns were an essential part of every Connecticut town.

Jennifer Busa is the Public Programs Coordinator at the Connecticut Museum of Culture and History. She develops and presents adult programs at the CMCH. Jennifer is a former middle school social studies teacher, with a B.A. in anthropology from the University of Connecticut and an M.A. in anthropology from the University of Minnesota.