Library closed on Friday, March 28th.

The library will be closed on Friday, March 28th for a staff professional development day. We will reopen on Saturday, March 29th at 9:30am. 

Friends of the Library

Collage of friends events

Welcome to the Friends of the Meriden Public Library. It is the goal of the Friends to raise funds through a variety of avenues in support of programming and improvements at the Meriden Public Library in Meriden, Connecticut.

The Friends of the Meriden Public Library is a non-profit 501(c)3 volunteer organization that plays an integral role in much of the programming offered through the Meriden Public Library including informational speakers, family-friendly activities, cultural and educational events, and a variety of literacy-based programs.

Contact us:
Friends of the MPL
105 Miller St
Meriden, CT 06450
Phone: 203-630-4763
Email: Friends of the MPL

As a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, the Friends of the Meriden Public Library provides a variety of services to the citizens of Meriden in support of the free public library system. Some of the programs and services of the Friends include:

Summer Children’s Programs - The Friends funds a variety of specially created summer library programs for children that help to promote literacy and library outreach to children in every age group.

Programs for all ages - The Friends funds library programs for all age groups.

Museum Passes - The Friends funds the purchase of passes to various museums and historic sites throughout Connecticut. Meriden Library patrons can attend at free or reduced admission prices.

The Friends of the Meriden Public Library was founded in 1984 by a group of individuals seeking to support the efforts and offerings of the library through privately organized fundraising endeavors. Over the years, the Friends has grown in both number of members and scope of funding efforts. Today, the Friends of the Meriden Public Library boasts a new location for its bookstore with a large selection of gently used books. The Friends also hosts a variety of cultural and educational events as well as literacy-based programs.

History of the FMPL
Anti-Discrimination Policy
Friends of Connecticut Libraries
Connecticut State Library


Officers and trustees of the Friends of the Meriden Public Library act in an administrative capacity to facilitate the programs, events, fundraising, and membership efforts of this non-profit organization. Officers and trustees are elected at the Friends annual meeting each December. The Officers for 2024 are:

President:  Frank W. Ridley
Vice President: Marian Amodeo
Treasurer: Ann Biernacki
Asst. Treasurer: Dan Metz

Membership: Norma Paggioli   
Secretary: Alexis Burgess
Bookstore Manager: Alexis Burgess

Thank You to Our "Friends"

There are a variety of ways in which individuals, organizations, and businesses can support the Friends in its capacity as a patron non-profit organization for the Meriden Pubic Library. Some of the easiest ways include:

Becoming a Member
Not only does membership have its privileges, but membership dues also assist us in our efforts. To join or renew, please click here.

Volunteer with the Friends
From staffing our bookstore to volunteering at any one of of the many events we sponsor, we are always more successful with more friendly faces among us.

Make a monetary contribution
Monetary donations directly support all of the programs and collections that we sponsor.

  • Send check payable to “Friends of the MPL”, and send to Friends of the MPL, 105 Miller St, Meriden, CT 06450.
  • Or donate online:

Donate to the MPL Literary Libations; Sipping for a Cause fundraisers and help support programs at the Meriden Public Library

Donate to the WWII Holocaust Fund. Your name will be included on a plaque in the library for donations of $250 or more.

Donate to Library Programs. Programs at Meriden Public Library for children, teens, and adults are funded SOLEY through your donations to the Friends of the Meriden Public Library.


The Friends of the Meriden Public Library is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization; donations are tax-exempt to the extent permitted by law.

  • Donate Books
    We accept used books in good condition. Drop them into the bins outside the Friends Bookstore at the library (east side of library) during Friends business hours.
  • Shop with Friends
    Visit us at the Friends Bookstore and pick up a treasure at a fraction of the cost of buying new.
  • Make In-Kind Donations
    The Friends graciously accepts in-kind donations of materials, equipment, and labor that can be used in maintaining our bookstore and helping to beautify the library.

Questions? Call 203-630-4763.

Friends News!

Friends of the Meriden Public Library receive award.

On June 10, 2023, the Friends of the Meriden Public Library were presented with the 2023 Friends of Connecticut Libraries Focused Project Award for our fundraising efforts in support of the Meriden Public Library renovation.

In a two-plus year effort, the FMPL implemented fundraising plans that included a major letter campaign to Meriden residents and businesses, multi-language donation flyers, naming opportunities in the new library, dinners, art sales and other fundraising events in the community.  The FMPL also raised awareness for the library renovations by providing a strong public presence at community activities such as the Farmers’ Market and Daffodil Festival, and engaging with the Midstate Chamber of Commerce activities.

The Friends of the Meriden Public Library efforts raised in excess of $350,000 for the library renovation.

Friends of the Meriden Public Library fundraising committee accepts the 2023 Focused Project Award presented by the Friends of Connecticut Libraries.  From left to right:  Mariella Racco, Winnie Clay, Isabel Guzman, Ann Biernacki, Alexis Burgess, Library Director Becky Starr, Sheryl Clay and FMPL President Frank Ridley.

Friends of the Meriden Public Library fundraising committee accepts the 2023 Focused Project Award presented by the Friends of Connecticut Libraries.  From left to right:  Mariella Racco, Winnie Clay, Isabel Guzman, Ann Biernacki, Alexis Burgess, Library Director Becky Starr, Sheryl Clay and FMPL President Frank Ridley.