Sign up for free and get informed when:
- Items you requested are ready for pickup
- Items you borrowed are almost due
- Items you borrowed are overdue
You may also text commands (see "General Text Commands" on the right of this page) to the library to:
- Add a card
- Renew all items
- Request a list of all current checkouts
- And more!
The library does not charge a fee for this service, but your mobile phone plan’s regular text messaging rates apply. To sign up for Shoutbomb:
1. Use a phone that can send text messages to an email address.
2. Text the word SIGNUP to (860) 345-1307.
3. You should receive a reply asking for a library card number.
4. Text your library card number.
5. You should receive a confirmation text.
In addition to receiving text messages about your library materials, you may also opt in to receive text alerts about what’s going on at the library by texting one, some, or all of the following commands to (860) 345-1307:
Your Options:
meadult - alerts about Adult programs and events
mechild - alerts about Children’s programs and events
meearlylit - receive important preschool information
menews - receive important news updates from the library
mealert - receive emergency updates (e.g., early closings, delayed openings, cancellations)